video text message marketing

Sending videos in text messages is a great way to connect with customers and create a response.

Text Videos are a fantastic method to boost the effectiveness of your text message marketing. They can be useful communication tools for prospects and clients. Not only that, but they can be a terrific method to build long-term relationships with your audience. 

The best types of text message videos for your marketing campaign

Customer Education:
Videos that give useful, relevant information and establish you or your company as an expert on a topic.
– Instructional videos, such as how-to videos or tips & tricks

– Housing market update videos

– Educational videos on common real estate topics and questions

– Year-in-review videos

-Community event videos

-Listing videos

-Local business review videos
Customer Engagement:
Videos that directly encourage the desired response on the part of the consumer.
-Neighborhood videos

-Narrative videos to raise awareness around an issue. Because of the increased empathy video content can generate, even a 30-second clip can be an ideal way to raise funds for a cause or encourage users to take action

-Agent/office promo videos

-Humorous videos: set yourself apart and make a splash in the industry

With everyone using their phones in both their personal and professional lives, customers are easier to find and reach now more than ever. With text message marketing, your business can instantly engage with existing customers and reach out to potential clients in a matter of minutes!

Reaping the Benefits of Using Video in Texting

Now that you’ve got your prospect’s attention, it’s time to get strategic.

This is the beauty of using an all-in-one CRM solution. You have access to your prospect’s information and you can see where their engagement is the highest. Use this information to plan out a marketing funnel that takes them from lead to customer or client using multiple touchpoints

Using text alongside your existing email and phone marketing strategies will help you get a higher return on your marketing investment and improve the service your prospect receives.

The best part is that you can reuse the same video for many people once it’s saved in LionDesk so you don’t have to record the same video over and over!

Watch how Video can be the most powerful tool for your business.

In the end, the most important thing is to jump right in and give video texting a shot.

Start reaching your customers where they are in minutes, and kick off your affordable, easy-to-use mass video text message marketing campaign with a FREE 14-day trial of LionDesk today!