Amber Boyd Core One Real Estate

Everyone in real estate has their own blueprint for success. Over the next few months, we’ll talk to real LionDesk users about what their blueprint looks like—so you can learn from real-life peers and discover ways you can use LionDesk to succeed.

In the first of this Blueprint series, we take a look at how Amber Boyd at Core One Real Estate used LionDesk to quadruple her business since signing up for LionDesk in February of 2020!

Amber’s blueprint to success with LionDesk

LionDesk Case Study

Using scheduled emails to nurture leads

Amber relies on LionDesk to keep her 23,000 contacts organized so she can focus on building strong relationships, and the best part? Much of it is automated! 

With LionDesk’s scheduling features, Amber automatically emails her clients once a week to ensure that she’s top of mind. She also uses video to bring a personal approach to her communication. By scheduling her emails to automatically go out, she ensures that all of her leads and clients are nurtured while she’s out building relationships. 

In addition to automatic emailing, Amber also emails her list of 12,000 apartment communities weekly to stay in touch, and created a drip campaign consisting of video email to remain professional yet personal.

The result? 

Her business has quadrupled since she started using LionDesk four years ago. 

Additionally, she managed to turn an apartment-locating business into an empire through in-app texting — because now, all of her agents can use the same tactics to stay in touch automatically while they continue building new connections.

LionDesk allows Amber’s team at Core One to focus the majority of their time on lead generation. Every lead that they receive gets put into LionDesk so they can immediately start nurturing them via texting and automated emails. 

The more people that they help find an apartment means the more chances they will have to turn them into a potential buyer and seller. They are basically getting paid to build their database for future business.

Amber’s thoughts on LionDesk

“I love LionDesk because it has given me my life back. It allows me to automate things that I do on a daily basis and helps me to scale my business in a way that I would never be able to do without it. It’s my goal in life to share LionDesk with every agent that I know because I know how much it has impacted my life. I want other people to experience the same.”

Amber Boyd, Core One Real Estate

Ready to expand your real estate business? 

Follow this blueprint and watch your business grow! 

We recommend using LionDesk texts and scheduled emails, as well as getting a custom number for texting. 

If you’re a LionDesk user, you can use our walkthrough guide and learn how to add a custom number here

If you’re not yet a LionDesk user, you can try it absolutely free for 14 days here. No credit cards or commitments, just superior tech. 

LionDesk Free Trial

Do you want to be featured? 

Do you also have a great story about how you used LionDesk to improve your business? We want to hear from you! Send us your LionDesk blueprint story here and you could be featured next.