The not so sexy truth behind digital communication, email marketing, and lead generation is that every contact in your database is in someone else’s database too.

There’s no escaping it.

So how do you ensure that when someone is ready to act you’re the one they come to instead of a competitor?

It’s all about keeping them engaged! 

Why Focus on Communication?

The action you take today can impact your bottom line tomorrow.

When it comes to selling your product or service, putting an emphasis on the nurturing process can help you ensure that your sales pipeline stays healthy for months and, in some cases, years to come. 

Before you put your lead generation strategy into action, think about the long-term customer journey. Create a communication plan for your new leads. 

The most successful lead nurturing plans we’ve seen include a mix of the following:

  • Automated email sequences
  • One-off communications (marketing pieces, newsletters, announcements, etc.)
  • Audience segmentation
  • Personalization
  • Text communication
  • Video communication

The reason these plans are so effective is because they incorporate mixed media formats and artificial intelligence to keep your audience interested in your content.

Providing Value in a Virtual World

No matter how you choose to communicate, keep one thing in mind… value. 

It’s the top way to keep your audience engaged with you and your business and it increases the odds that a prospect will stay in your pipeline.

An excellent way to start providing value is to segment your database. This allows you to deliver the right message at the right time to the right customer. It’s also a great way to control frequency and the format in which you’re communicating.

The more you communicate with your audience and learn about their preferences, the more intelligent your email segmentation becomes.

As you think about the types of communication you’ll be sending, consider ways to make it as interactive as possible. 

For example, instead of sending out a standard flyer to your audience, try sending that same document with a video message attached. In the message, you could explain common inquiries or simply let the recipient know why they should look at the attachment and the benefit it provides to them.

People have different communication styles and preferences so where a document might be appreciated by one person, another might be drawn to the video. Plus, who doesn’t appreciate a little personalization!

Become a Trusted Advisor and Thought Leader

If there’s one thing we can all count on, it’s that digital marketing, connection, and mixed media formats are all going to continue to influence how we communicate with one another.

Beyond email communication, text and video messaging are on the rise.

More and more people are turning to technology to streamline their workflows, communications, and daily activities.

This is an opportunity for you to become a trusted advisor and thought leader. By taking advantage of different communication formats now, you get an immediate leg up on the competition.

Experiment with technology and use video to connect with your database (for video marketing tips, click here).

If you’re not already, start sending regular marketing emails, newsletters, and begin segmenting your list.

The effort you put into communicating with your contacts could be the difference between you making a sale and your competitor.

If you’re ready to maximize your digital presence and start managing your database in a way that positions you ahead of the pack, we’d like to invite you to give us a try! Click here to start a 30-day FREE trial today.

If you’d like to learn more about nurturing your sphere, check out this post with Co-Founder of Cloud CMA, Greg Robertson, and LionDesk Founder and CEO, David Anderson: