In any business it’s extremely important to stay in front of your contacts, but in today’s environment face-to-face coffee meetings are practically illegal.

While we are now physically limited in leaving the house, that doesn’t mean you have to hide from all forms of communication. You can still create and maintain personal relationships with your clients and entire database without meeting with each person individually.

One way to build personal relationships without the travel or time commitment is to record videos for each of your top clients and send it to them one by one. But how many clients do you think you’d get through before stopping? About 10?

What about the hundreds of contacts in your database? Do you want to stay engaged with them as well?

Of course you do!

Since cloning yourself is too expensive (and a little scary) we recommend utilizing your CRM to send videos to all your clients…at once.

Tips on Creating Videos

Creating videos can often be nerve wracking. We get it, putting yourself out there is scary, but that’s more of a reason to do it. If your competition is hesitating and you’re not, you’re already ahead of the game. 

Getting started is simple, you don’t need fancy equipment or to hire a videographer. Some of the best performing videos are shot on a mobile device. It feels more authentic, and frees you up to shoot videos on the fly!

It’s as easy as Ready, Set, Go!

1. Ready: Have a Plan

Figure out what you want to say and to whom. Who is your target audience? What do you want to express to them? What value are you providing for them?

If you’re creating a video where you talk to your audience, we recommend against having a full script prepared, people can tell when you’re overly scripted. Just know what you want to say and why, even if it’s just a high-level outline. Here are some content ideas for these: Market updates! Are interest rates dropping? Are there certain neighborhoods your contacts should keep an eye on? Any tips for new buyers? All of those would be a great “talking head” video to engage new and current contacts. 

If you’re a real estate agent then simply creating a video walk through of your listing rather than getting on camera yourself, you won’t need a script, but you will want to plan out the flow. Where are you walking? What rooms will you go through first? You don’t have to write this out, but definitely have a plan so you don’t forget a room, fumble with a lock, or walk yourself into a corner and have to reshoot (it happens!). 

2. Set: Prepare the set

Our first tip on preparing is to wipe down your phone camera with a cloth if you plan on shooting using your iPhone or Android. Our phone screens can smudge very easily, so the simple task of wiping down your camera before you shoot a video will increase the quality tremendously. Do this for both the selfie and the back-facing camera in case you decide to switch views!

Make sure to check your settings. Is there clutter? An open cabinet? A full trash can in view? A plane flying overhead? Make sure there are no distractions so your contacts can focus on your message, not your background. 

3. Go: And Action!

You’re now ready to shoot your video. Take a deep breath, smile, and record. When you click start and stop make sure to smile and stand still for a beat so it doesn’t cut you off or start/stop abruptly. 

Don’t let perfect get in the way of good. We’re all human, if you stumble over your words a little it’s okay! People actually prefer raw videos as it makes you feel more relatable. No one wants to watch a robot. Just keep going and worry about reshooting later. 

Now that you’ve created your video, let’s discuss distribution. 

Where to Host and Promote Your Videos

YouTube is still the number search engine and should be ONE of many places you include your video.

If you’re looking for tips on how to use YouTube to grow your business check out the expert (and LionDesk user) herself, Karin Carr

However, your videos should be shared across all channels that reach your target audiences. That includes;

  • Your website
  • Facebook business page
  • Facebook personal page
  • Instagram timeline
  • Instagram story
  • LinkedIn (if relevant)
  • Email
  • TEXT!

Sending these videos via email or text one at a time could be a good start for proof of concept, but we want to be everywhere at once, so we recommend sending these videos through your CRM. 

That way, you can easily send timely, relevant videos to your segmented lists (clients, prospective buyers, prospective sellers, etc.) so you can reach the right audience with the right message at the right time. 

Our current LionDesk users already know the value of mass emailing videos (Shoutout to our users!! We love you!). 

“I must say the reason I continue to use Liondesk is because of their Video Email and Texting abilities which has  helped me increase response rate in all my marketing tactics this year.”

Henry Ohia, Newsite Real Estate

Improve Results by Texting Your Video

Sending any message via text has shown a 98% open rate compared to other forms of communication.

That’s 300% more than email. Now we’re not saying to stop emailing your database, but adding text skyrockets your results.

Imagine the results if you were to text your video!

Now that we understand why video is important, let’s look into how you can best utilize this powerful marketing method.

Video Topics to Start with Today!

If you’re feeling ready and motivated, here are some topics to get you started.

  • Neighborhood Tours – new restaurants, shopping centers, etc.
  • Market updates
  • How to XYZ that’s related to your product or service
  • Interviews with your clients where they share tips 
  • What to expect during the process (shoot once, share multiple times)
  • Video that drives viewers to an email you just sent them
  • Interviews with local influencers, school principals, restaurant owners, etc.

The relevant topics are endless!

If you’re a user who hasn’t used video in a while, this is your gentle reminder to get out there and start creating more videos.

If you’re not yet a LionDesk user, please use these tips and see how your contacts respond initially, we think you’ll like the results. When you’re ready, come sign up for a free trial with us so you can use Video Texting and Video Emailing on a larger scale. We’ll be here. 

Don’t want to wait? Sign up for your 14 Day Free Trial Now: