Have you ever wondered what the top real estate agents and mortgage professionals are doing to grow their business?

Well, you’re in for a treat.

In this post you’ll get the best tips directly from the author of the book “Listing Boss”, Coach Hoss Pratt.

5 Essential Strategies to Turn your CRM into a Lead Converting Machine


As a business owner you have a lot of responsibilities including generating leads, booking appointments, meeting with clients, negotiating deals and managing expenses. If you did the math on what your time is worth you’d quickly realize that there are many tasks that cost more for you to do personally versus outsourcing or even better, automating.

That’s where CRM technology helps!

With a CRM these are just a few of the tasks you can easily automate to free up more time for you to focus on high income producing tasks.

A. Lead Importing: Any place you get leads from should be connected to your CRM so that every contact lives in one place.

B. Emails & Texts: Once the lead comes into the system it should immediately receive an email and/or text from you. That message can be simple but the point is you’re earning trust by acknowledging their interest and showing them you are a responsive person.

C. Lead Follow Up: The worst thing you can do is spend time and money earning a new client or generating a lead and then not follow up with them consistently. This is a serious challenge for most agents and the solution is simple. Send a monthly email with relevant, valuable information and send texts to your most important clients checking in every once in a while. A simple message goes a long way when the goal is staying top of mind for future business and referrals.

D. Contact Management: When you connect your lead sources you also add tags to them so you can easily identify which leads came from which in the future. This allows you to send mass messages to a single audience with a super personalized touch.


It’s important to keep everything simple. Don’t let your technology run your life. Your systems are meant to save you time, give you freedom to focus on the highest revenue generating activities and help you close leads faster.

So don’t over complicate it.

When setting up your CRM here’s what you need:

  1. Custom Campaigns: email campaigns that are written for specific audiences. For example, buyers, sellers, past clients, etc. These are already in the system so all you have to do is connect them.
  2. Email: create an email template for newsletters, announcements, etc. that you (or your assistant) changes the content in and can send in under an 1 hour.
  3. Texting: if you’re not sending texts you are missing out on some serious business. A simple text to last weekend’s open house visitors letting them know you sent them an email makes a huge difference in if they open your email.
  4. Tagging & Segmentation: when you upload your contacts or add new make sure you have a tagging system in place. Something as simple as A) hot leads B) warm leads C) cold leads is a great place to start.

#3 Campaigns

When communicating with your database don’t stop at an email. Create a campaign that includes Email + Text + Call to really reach your contact through multiple channels ensuring your message is received, and more importantly responded to.

PRO TIP: your hottest leads are not just the ones you added yesterday. Your hottest leads are the ones engaging with your email and texts. Follow up with them FIRST.

When it comes to campaign audiences here’s some to use:

  1. Sphere of Influence
  2. Past Clients
  3. Seller Leads
  4. Buyer Leads
  5. Active Sellers
  6. Active Buyers
  7. FSBO
  8. Expired Listings

They are all important and all deserve a message that’s tailored to them.

#4 Marketing

When it comes to marketing it’s all about your personal brand. Clients want to work with someone they KNOW, they LIKE and most importantly they TRUST.

You should be reinvesting 10% of your commission back into your business to focus on attracting the right clients.

The best way to attract your ideal client is to differentiate yourself.

For example, use VIDEO in your emails and texts. People want to work with people. This business is all about relationships. Show them who you are and why they should work with you…starting with a great personality.

#5 Conversion

After you spent time, energy and money building your database and generating your leads it’s time to nurture and convert them.

The #1 thing the most successful real estate agents know is that it’s all about SPEED TO LEAD.

You have your automation set up so immediately when a lead comes in they hear from you.

Then throughout your relationship building it’s crucial to maintain the same level of responsiveness to build trust and follow through to ensure the close.

The #2 most important step after speed to lead is follow up. If you’re not consistently following up with your leads you’re losing them to your competition.

This includes emails, texts and phone calls for weeks, months and years. Most agents stop after 2 attempts. The real business is earned on the 11th.

Follow these tips and you’re on your way to being a Lead Converting Machine.

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