Spring Cleaning Real Estate Technology

Spring is finally here! And while many of us think of our own homes when we talk about “Spring Cleaning” – we think your technology would benefit from a scrub as well!

So we want to ask you…

Are you paying for any real estate technology that you aren’t using?

Even if you’re not paying for it, time-cost is a real thing. So we invite you to evaluate what technology you’re not using or underutilizing, and give it a good scrub! Here’s how:

Step 1: Identify all of the technology you’re using in your agent business

We know, we know, lists can be arduous, but when it comes to your business, this is important. Write out all of the technology you’re using, whether you’re paying for it or not. Include the name of your tech, how much you pay for it, and how much time you spend on it. This will help you understand where you’re putting your time, effort, and costs.

Step 2: Evaluate your tech

Now that you’ve listed everything out, it’s time to evaluate! What are you not using? What could you replace or consolidate? Where are you spinning your wheels?

For example, if you’re spending 10 hours a week cold calling prospects your phone, there’s a time cost associated. Although calling people is essentially free, that 10 hours a week could be more profitable if used elsewhere. In this scenario, it could be more beneficial for you to use a Dialer, which cold calls for you and only connects you to someone once they pick up.

This brings up the age-old question:

How much is your time worth?

Let’s work out the math! Let’s say your time is worth $100 an hour, that means that even though calling is free, your time cost of 10 hours a week is actually $4,000 a month in time cost ($1,000 per week). A dialer only costs $99 per month, so it’s easy math. (See Dialer Pricing here).

This isn’t to say you should start spending money on every single thing that takes you any time, but it is important to be aware of every type of cost, even if it isn’t solely monetary.

Step 3: Consolidate your tech

In addition to evaluating your real estate technology, it’s also important to see where you can consolidate and create a more streamlined experience for yourself, and (if applicable) your team.

Does your technology interact seamlessly? Or are you cobbling together four different platforms?

For example, are you capturing leads through ads, and then having to manually put them in your CRM system? Or do you have technology that connects everything automatically? If you’re finding yourself entering in data manually, assign a time-cost to that. How much time are you spending inputting data, and what is it really costing you?

Step 4: Come up with your tech game plan

You’ve made it this far! Nice work.

Now you’ve identified your tech, evaluated it, and considered consolidation. Now let’s come up with your tech plan.

This part of the plan may take a little research on your end. There’s a lot of great real estate technology out there, but what is best for you and your needs?

If you just need a CRM system, LionDesk is a great place to start. Not only is it superior tech at a low cost, but it has a ton of native features and integrations for when you’re ready to consolidate (and you can get a free 14-day trial here!)

If you’re already at a place in your business where you want to run with the wolves in terms of top tech that integrates, go for it and treat yourself to a Lone Wolf Agent Bundle!

Here, you can select from the tech that you need all in one place. From CRM, to MLS, to Digital Ads and more, Lone Wolf Agent Bundles will give you everything you need to reach prospects, build your pipeline, and nurture your leads to a sale and post sale.

Get Lone Wolf Agent Bundles

Get everything you need to be the top producer in your market. From listing integrations to lead generation, CMA and CRM to open house management, Lone Wolf’s Agent Cloud brings together software today’s real estate agents need to own every moment.

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