If you’re considering using short codes for lead generation, speed to lead engagement, and to stand out from your competition LionDesk’s Text-2-Sell feature has you covered.

Sales Professionals using Text-2-Sell see a 95% increase from contact to close in just 1 month of using it.

Watch a quick walkthrough to learn how easy shortcodes can be used in your everyday marketing strategies, created, and used in LionDesk.

What are shortcodes?

Short codes are a 5 or 6 digit telephone number that’s shorter than a standard phone number. Short codes are used to receive text messages in a quick and easy way. When someone texts a short code to your LionDesk custom number as in “text Hello to 123-456” they immediately receive the response you’ve pre-programmed and are automatically added into your LionDesk CRM.

Why use them?

Great for lead generation in unexpected ways!

Not only do you get the person’s information automatically added to your CRM, you create a texting relationship that in today’s world of sales and marketing is the ultimate form of communication.

If you’re a real estate agent, imagine how huge this would be for your lead generation by putting a short code on your open house sign. When an interested person texts “Hello” to 123-456 they automatically get the flyer for that home AND YOU GET a new hot lead!!

In any other scenario, that person would drive by, check Zillow, grab the flyer from the box and you would be none the wiser.

Here are examples of how LionDesk users are using them:

Add a short code to sign riders: Every person that texts the number gets sent a link to the property page and then start the lead on a 2 week follow up buyer campaign.

I create short codes within seconds for all my social media posts & Facebook Ads which have helped me track leads plus add any respondents to an automated email drip campaign all at the same time. It’s that simple!

Add short codes to a flyer box in a community that you cannot have a for sale sign or Sign Rider on to help advertise the property.

Use short codes for food drive donations. I have a 4 touch follow up campaign. (An acknowledgment of pick up details, a thank you, results report, and another “thanks, how can I help you?”)

Additional Tips:

  • Sale sign with a short code to take people to a branded video tour on YouTube. The video Introduces the agent and also a call to action to click a link for MLS info or to schedule a showing.

  • Use short code Text “Brochure” to XXXX to receive a brochure. Then send them a link to a Digital Brochure and attach a new lead to a  drip to nurture and follow up.

  • Use short codes when you do an open house at a condo with security gates. I put a note on the gate saying “text or call me and I’ll come an let you in”. I captured their name, number, email, and address then added her to a follow-up drip

  • It’s a great way to capture new leads! Every person that texts the number gets sent a link to my website page and then 2 weeks gets a follow-up campaign (“How can I help you?”).
SMS Short Code Compliance & Rules

When it comes to SMS short codes, compliance is a big deal. There’s a lot at stake and making sure that you’re following the rules and best practices is a must. The good news is that being compliant is not terribly difficult. There are 2 different sets of rules when it comes to short code text messaging: See below both CTIA’s and TCPA rules.

CTIA Short Code Compliance

The CTIA is a nonprofit trade association that represents the wireless carriers. This group was set up to develop, maintain, and enforce best practices around short code text messaging. The CTIA actively audits all SMS short code programs in the US to ensure companies are following the rules and to keep consumers protected. The CTIA is largely focused on things like making sure people who are receiving texts have explicitly opted in, SMS marketing programs are disclosing the correct compliance verbiage and that short codes are sending content that is not in violation of their guidelines.
TCPA Short Code Compliance

The TCPA stands for “Telephone Consumer Privacy Act” and is the set of laws governing all text messaging, not just SMS short codes, in the United States. The core focus of the TCPA is to prevent consumers from receiving unwanted spam texts and phone calls. There are large legal penalties for sending text messages to people who have not opted in so it’s paramount that your short code texts are only to people who have explicitly consented to receive them.
CRM with texting