A banner image featuring real estate agent Sheila Etheridge who tells her true story of what her business was like before using a CRM and after using one.

Are you still using spreadsheets to keep track of your client information?

Is your workspace filled with handwritten to-do lists?

If so, you’re not alone.

Relying on your memory to stay on top of your business is overwhelming and can lead to missed opportunities.

That’s where a CRM (Customer Relationship Managment platform) saves the day!

Before discovering the miracles of a CRM, Sheila Etheridge, a real estate agent from San Diego, CA also faced these challenges.

Read on to learn more about what her business was like before choosing a CRM (SPOILER: unorganized and inconsistent pipeline) and after (SPOILER: more time, less stress, more consistent business).

Personal Story from Sheila Etheridge

Have you ever wondered if you should use a CRM for your business?  I know I did, a LONG time ago (2005 to be exact) before I realized it was the best thing ever for my real estate business.

In all honesty, Excel was great (I’m being nice) and so was printing pretty pages of valuable client and/or escrow info and placing those in a pretty folder that I would carry with me in my car JUST IN CASE I needed to access it (names, emails, phone numbers, kids names, needs/wants, location… escrow & lender contacts, contingency timeframes, my lovely 30 and 45 day checkoff list and so forth).

Also, I can’t forget the sticky notes placed all over those papers to remind me of last conversations and future chats I thought I may not remember.

Cut to the chase and many years later, my CRM is like my personal assistant, but better.  

I can tell it what to keep track of, when to remind me of appointments, who to call, text, and/or email and when (and send 100 at one time if I choose – email OR text) when to bother/not bother me, when to reply for me (yup!). You get my point.

 I can access it from anywhere at any time and it does just about everything for me that I can clearly do on my own, but in a fraction of the time.


Even better, when a client who I haven’t spoken with in a while calls me, and I can pull up their info in seconds on my cell and mention their pup and their daughter who is about to get married.  


By the way, if I’m using my CRM correctly, I’ll be reaching out to this same client using my task scheduler before they even think of calling me.

This is hands down the #1 reason why I use my CRM.


I’m smart (wink wink), but I can’t remember everything, and my CRM “thinks” for me and with my help, helps me stay on top of my future business.  

My “assistant” is my business partner as well. It helps me foster that relationship by keeping me ORGANIZED and EFFICIENT

Which of course, helps me be CONSISTENT with follow up which in turn MAKES ME MORE MONEY because I’m able to CLOSE MORE DEALS

So, to answer the question, “Do you really need a CRM?”

Repeatedly, the answer is always YES!

What CRM is best for you?

There are many CRM systems out there, but ultimately, the best CRM is the CRM you use.

I recommend LionDesk. It’s easy for me to use and their mobile app allows me to use it when I’m on the go as well as when I’m in the office.

They also offer a 30-day free trial with no credit cards or commitments, I promise you’ll be hooked!

With a little dedication each day and commitment, you’ll see how it can help you automate your marketing so you can focus on your other business needs and close more deals. Good luck!