It’s almost Halloween, so we wanted to have some fun!
Here are tips on staging your open house to attract and meet the needs of all manner of ghosts, ghouls, and things that go bump in the night. Enjoy!
How to stage your house for Witches
Get out your nicest Black Flame Candle to make your space feel extra cozy! Be sure to show off ample closet space for brooms and shelf space for spell books. Be sure to showcase the kitchen so they can really see themselves brewing spells there.
How to stage your house for Vampires
First, you’ll want to change your schedule so the Open House is only at night. You’ll need to wait by the door to invite each vampire in, otherwise they’ll get stuck outside. Hide the garlic! These vampires won’t care about cooking in the kitchen, but they’ll definitely be interested in ample dark basement space for their coffins, and big open windows so they can fly in and out with ease.
How to stage your house for Ghosts
This one will be a little awkward, because it’ll be hard to tell if they’re actually there. Show off lights that can be flickered and cabinets that can be opened at random. Don’t forget to showcase the attic, closets, and places to go bump in the night!
How to stage your house for Serial Killers
To showcase your house for serial killers, you’re really going to want to focus on how secluded it is, even better if the neighbors are too far away to hear anything. Show off loose dirt in the back yard, ample freezer space, and a toolshed.
Happy Halloween!
Hope you enjoyed our spooky suggestions!
From all of us at LionDesk, Happy Halloween!